极品飞车15 买了辆ae86 弄了赛车化改造 跟本没办法...
无解。要不就练要不就卖了。而且落场86操控又不难。 按照生涯进度走就没什么问题 你要是用了修改器我就不说什么了自生自灭吧。 。 。 有问题追问 草地?在草地上干嘛。 还有让你追问没让你补充问题
是Hilary Duff 的 Beat Of My Heart
To the beat of my
To the beat of my
To the beat of my heart
I'm thinking about,
Letting it out.
I wanna give in,
I wanna go out.
Been looking around
I've finally found,
The rhythm of love,
The feeling of sound.
It's making a change,
The feeling is strange.
It's coming right back.
Right back in my range.
Not worried about anything else,
I'm waking up
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart.
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
It tears us apart.
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
Now I'm back to the start.
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
I'm up from my down.
I turn it around.
I'm making it back,
I'm not gonna drown.
I'm taking a stance.
I won't miss a chance.
I want you to see
I'm not scared to dance.
The way that you feel
Could never be real.
I want you to know I finished the deal.
So I'm sayin to you
I'll always be true.
To the rhythm inside,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
It tears us apart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
Now I'm back to the start,
Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart.
To the beat of my
To the beat of my
To the beat of my heart
I'm thinking about,
Letting it out.
I wanna give in,
I wanna go out.
Been looking around
I've finally found,
The rhythm of love,
The feeling of sound.
It's making a change,
The feeling is strange.
It's coming right back.
Right back in my range.
Not worried about anything else,
I'm waking up
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart.
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
It tears us apart.
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
Now I'm back to the start.
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
I'm up from my down.
I turn it around.
I'm making it back,
I'm not gonna drown.
I'm taking a stance.
I won't miss a chance.
I want you to see
I'm not scared to dance.
The way that you feel
Could never be real.
I want you to know I finished the deal.
So I'm sayin to you
I'll always be true.
To the rhythm inside,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
It tears us apart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
Now I'm back to the start,
Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
Away Away,
Away Away,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart.
哪位大神可以教我下 极品飞车9 AE86 的漂移指法教...
进入悬挂系统(Supension)调校界面将‘前后降底组件’分别调成前比后略底一格,但是如果将前后降底组件高底差过在就会产生刹车时重心前移过大、过快后轮失去抓地力导至甩尾即转向过度,我调的数值是前-3.19、后-3.07,我之所以没把前降底组件降至最底是我感觉降至最底时转向有些不足。前弹簧与前避震器要软于后弹簧与后避震器,但是如果将前弹簧与前避震器调校过软就会产生刹车时前轮受压过大导致转向不足。防侧倾杆调校是很关键的一项,因为AE86为后轮驱动车辆,存在转向过度,调校防侧倾杆可减少转向过度,同样调校好也可以减少转向不足。那么怎么才能调校好呢?根据上面讲到的,增强前防侧倾杆硬度可增加转向过度,增强后防侧倾杆硬度可减少转向过度,我们就可以调校出理想的前后防侧倾杆的硬度。由于AE86转向过度,那就得减弱前防侧倾杆的硬度,增强后防侧倾杆的硬度。但是物极必反前后防侧倾杆减增过多,就会造成转向不足,失去调校的意义了。我调的值为前低于后前7.32后7.57。 在传动系统(Drivetrain)方面,我经过调整几次后的出弯时的加速有些零乱,就没调保持默认。 在空气动力(Aerodynamics)方面前下压力要弱于后下压力,是为了后轮获得额外的抓地力,减少前轮的压力,还是那个原因前轮压力过大不易于转向。我的数值是前7.14后10.00。 在轮胎&刹车(Tires&Brakes)方面前后轮胎的抓地力全都为10.00,这的原因就不用我来说了吧。轮胎没有抓地力还跑个屁啊!刹车方面我略偏向于前,这是因为刹车时重心略向前移适当加强前轮的摩擦力有利于转向,又不至于转向过度。 在供油晶片(ECU)方面,在起步时不需要太大油量输出,因为油门过大驱动轮很容易失去抓地力空转打滑,影响起步速度,在0-1000转时发动机的扭矩输出为0,当发动机在高转数时其扭矩力输出最大。所以我在默认情况下将0-1000的值降为最底,其他自动上升。 在涡轮增压(Turbo)方面,由于涡轮增压存在加速迟滞现象,在起步时能不用则不用最好采用自然进气,因为自然进气的车辆用于起步,而涡轮增压车辆用于冲刺,可见涡轮增压可增强马力,且发动机在高转数时才能发挥出最大马力。因此我将涡轮增压调为在0-3000转时其输出值为0,4000-5000转时输出值应为一半,5000-10000转时为最大值输出。 在氮气(Nitrous)方面,我是一般不用的,只是向左上方调了两个格,增强了使用时扭力的输出。 至此我的AE86调校完成,但在最后我想再说点,这篇文章主要在悬挂系统(Supension)方面做了大量的讲解,可见车辆操控的关键就在于此。在悬挂系统方面多下点功夫相信大家能调校出一部好车。希望这篇文章能给您一定的帮助。我的调车理论反过调同样也适用于前轮驱动的车辆HONDO--CIVIC,不过调校值有些差别。 同样调校的车辆在不同的车手,不同车辆,不同的赛道上有着截然不同的表现,要想跑的快、跑的好、跑出好成绩就要不断的练习还要根据不同的车辆,不同赛道来调校车辆,最终调校出一部属于自己的车子来。