wonders wonders of the world英文全文 因为书没带...
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Tony:Let's call Wonders of the World and join in the discussion. I think natural wonders are more interesting than manmade ones. And I think the Giant's Causeway is the most fantastic natural wonder.
Lingling: Hm, I’ve never seen it, so I'm not sure I agree with you. Why do you like it, Tony?
Tony: Well, I visited the Giant's Causeway two years ago. It's huge. There're about 40,000 rocks, most of them with six sides. It goes for several hundred metres on the eastern coast of Northern Ireland
Lingling: That sounds great, though I think Victoria Falls in Africa are even more fantastic. They're about l,700 metres wide and 100 metres high. You can hear the loud noise a few kilometres away.
Betty:Wow, that's huge! But in my opinion, manmade wonders are more exciting than natural ones. Look at the Terracotta Army. It's more than 2.000 years old. Daming: I agree with you, Betty. And I think the Three Gorges Dam is ancient manmade modern natural wonder fantastic too. It's about 2,300 metres long, 185 metres high and 15 metres wide at the top. It produces electricity for millions of people in China
Betty:Now, who'd like to call first?
Sadly,although the Amber Room was considered on...
although引导让步状语从句,the amber room was considered one of the wonders of the world 是从句,其中the amber room是从句的主语,one of the wonders of the world是宾语。整个从句就是A was considered as B,也即是A被认为是B,was considered as是谓语。后面那一句it is now missing中的it指the amber room,是说amber room 现在消失了。the amber room was considered one of the wonders of the world 和it is now missing是两句话,英语中的两句话不能单纯用逗号隔开,需要有一个从属连词,although就是这个从属连词,意思是虽然。
文明 领袖 特色单位、建筑、伟人、设施、能力 取代 瑞典
Sweden 古斯塔夫二世·阿道夫
Gustavus Adolphus 特色单位1 芬兰骑兵
Hakkapeliitta 枪骑兵
Lancers 特色单位2 卡尔远征军
Carolean 来复枪兵
Rifleman 特色能力 诺贝尔奖
Nobel Prize 凯尔特
Celts 布迪卡
Boudicca 特色单位 皮克特战士
Pictish Warrior 特色建筑 同乐会厅
Ceilidh Hall 歌剧院
Opera House 特色能力 德鲁伊的知识
Druidic Lore 玛雅
Mayans 帕卡尔大帝
Pacal the Great 特色单位 投矛器战士
Atlatlist 弓手
Archer 特色建筑 金字塔
Pyramid 特色能力 长计历
The Long Count 荷兰
Netherlands 威廉一世·奥兰治
William I of Orange 特色单位 海上乞丐
Sea Beggar 私掠船
Privateer 特色设施 圩田
Polder 特色能力 荷兰东印度公司
East India Company 匈族
Huns 匈奴王阿提拉
Attila 特色单位1 攻城锤
Battering Ram 矛兵
Spearman 特色单位2 骑射手
Horse Archer 战车射手
Chariot Archer 特色能力 上帝之鞭
Scourge of God 埃塞俄比亚
Ethiopia 海尔·塞拉西一世
Haile Selassie l 特色单位 皇家卫队
Mehal Safari 来复枪兵
Rifleman 特色建筑 纪念石柱
Stele 特色能力 阿杜瓦精神
Spirit of Adwa 奥地利
Austria 玛丽亚·特蕾莎
Maria Theresa 特色单位 骠骑兵
Hussar 近代骑兵
Cavalry 特色建筑 咖啡馆
Coffee House 特色能力 联姻外交
Diplomatic Marriage 拜占庭
Byzantium 狄奥多拉
Theodora 特色单位1 甲胄骑兵
Cataphract 骑手
Horseman 特色单位2 希腊喷火船
Dromon 三列桨战船
Trireme 特色能力 君士坦丁堡牧首
Patriarchate of Constantinople 迦太基
Carthage 狄多
Dido 特色单位1 北非森林象
African Forest Elephant 骑手
Horseman 特色单位2 五列桨战船
Quinquereme 三列桨战船
Trireme 特色能力 腓尼基的后裔
Phoenecian Heritage