

2020-07-15 作者: admin 来源:网络 整理:游戏131(



1. 首先创建dai.exe桌面快捷方式

2. 右键打开,在目标处结尾添加“-enabledeveloperconsole” 无标点

3. 进入游戏后,用键盘上的~键激活控制台

4. 作弊生效后不会得到任何通知,输入时也不会有任何提示或显示,输入完毕后直接按回车(steam 版本可能作弊无效)


•help — 查看作弊代码描述

•runscript pc_immortal — 无敌模式,你会承受伤害,但绝不会被杀死

•Xrunscript dbg_setattrib x y — 1分钟属性加成buff (X部分按属性描述选择数字1 to 6; 1 being str, 2 dex, etc. in order) y 是你添加的具体点数

•runscript adDXp x — 直接获得经验,X是具体经验数字

•runscript chargen mage —改变玩家职业 法师2级

•runscript chargen rogue — 改变玩家职业 盗贼2级

•runscript chargen warrior — 改变玩家职业 战士2级

•runscript bowlingforferelden — 敌人退后,自身出现护盾

•runscript zz_supercrit player — 立刻给与玩家1000血 1000法, 50力 50敏

•runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_(companion name in lowercase) — 给指定角色同样属性,同上

•runscript healplayer — 立即回复自己及全组人员生命

•runscript killallhostiles — 核爆按钮,清楚地区内所有敌人 我真特么想试试这个...

•runscript injury remparty — 移除自己及队伍所有受伤状态(不知道这里说的是只限于受伤状态还是说所有的debuff)

•runscript addmoney xx — 立即高帅富,加钱,xx是具体金钱数量



第二步:右键打开桌面上的dai.exe快捷方式,选择属性,上面有一个目标栏,在目标处结尾添加-enabledeveloperconsole 无标点 (注意在双引号外面,加个空格)。


•help — 查看作弊代码描述

•runscript pc_immortal — 无敌模式,你会承受伤害,但绝不会被杀死

•Xrunscript dbg_setattrib x y — 1分钟属性加成buff (X部分按属性描述选择数字1 to 6; 1 being str, 2 dex, etc. in order) y 是你添加的具体点数

•runscript addxp x — 直接获得经验,X是具体经验数字

•runscript chargen mage —改变玩家职业 法师2级

•runscript chargen rogue — 改变玩家职业 盗贼2级

•runscript chargen warrior — 改变玩家职业 战士2级

•runscript bowlingforferelden — 敌人退后,自身出现护盾

•runscript zz_supercrit player — 立刻给与玩家1000血 1000法, 50力 50敏

•runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_(companion name in lowercase) — 给指定角色同样属性,同上

•runscript healplayer — 立即回复自己及全组人员生命

•runscript killallhostiles — 核爆按钮,清楚地区内所有敌人 我真特么想试试这个...

•runscript injury remparty — 移除自己及队伍所有受伤状态(不知道这里说的是只限于受伤状态还是说所有的debuff)

•runscript addmoney xx — 立即高帅富,xx是具体金钱数量

跪求《龙腾世纪2》控制台更改队员外貌 全部代码 以...

控制台 输入runscript appearance # (#号代表各种代码) 如果想取消的话 输入
runscript appearance -1


runscript appearance # ~ Changes character appearance. To undo this type "runscript appearance -1". This will revert the appearance change. For example: type "runscript appearance 12030" to become Qunari.
-- List of Appearance #'s --
15 PC - Human, Male
16 PC - Human, Female
17 PC Home - Human, Male
18 PC Home- Human, Female
1000 Follower - Anders
1001 Follower - Anders - Dark
1010 Follower - Aveline
1011 Follower - Aveline - Kirkwall Guard
1012 Follower - Aveline - Kirkwall Guard Captain
1020 Follower - Bethany
1021 Follower - Bethany - Warden
1022 Follower - Bethany - Circle Mage
1023 Follower - Bethany - Fake
1030 Follower - Carver
1031 Follower - Carver - Warden
1032 Follower - Carver - Templar Knight
1040 Follower - Fenris
1041 Follower - Fenris
1050 Follower - Isabela
1051 Follower - Isabela
1060 Follower - Merril
1061 Follower - Merril - Secondary
1070 Follower - Varric
1071 Follower - Varric - Upgraded
1072 Follower - Varric (No Crossbow)
1080 Follower - Dog (Summon)
10000 NPC - Unique - Flemeth
10002 NPC - Unique - Cassandra
10003 NPC - Unique - Orsino
10004 NPC - Unique - Qunari Slave Mage
10005 NPC - Unique - Bartrand
10006 NPC - Unique - Alistair, King
10007 NPC - Unique - Meredith
10008 NPC - Unique - Zombie Mom
11000 NPC - Unique - Flemeth (Dragon)
12000 NPC - Human, Male
12001 NPC - Human, Female
12002 NPC - Human, Male (Child)
12003 NPC - Human, Female (Child)
12010 NPC - Dwarf, Male
12020 NPC - Elf, Male
12021 NPC - Elf, Female
12030 NPC - Qunari, Male
12031 NPC - Qunari, Male - Unibody
20100 Creature - Darkspawn - Hurlock (Trooper)
20101 Creature - Darkspawn - Darkspawn Emissary (Devastator)
20102 Creature - Darkspawn - Hurlock with cross-bow (Trooper)
20103 Creature - Darkspawn - Ogre (Bruiser)
20200 Creature - Beasts - Spider, Giant (Trooper)
20201 Creature - Beasts - Mabari (Trooper)
20202 Creature - Beasts - Dragonling (Trooper)
20203 Creature - Beasts - Dragon (sub-Boss)
20204 Creature - Beasts - High Dragon (Devastator)
20205 Creature - Beasts - Strider (Boss)
20206 Creature - Beasts - Spider, Poisonous (Trooper)
20207 Creature - Beasts - Spider, Corrupted (Trooper)
20208 Creature - Beasts - Spider, Monstrous (Boss)
20209 Creature - Beasts - Double Dragon (Boss)
20300 Creature - Carta - Assasin (Assassin)
20301 Creature - Carta - Thug (Trooper)
20400 Creature - Mages - Circle Highmage (Devastator)
20401 Creature - Mages - Circle Mage - Male (Trooper)
20402 Creature - Mages - Blood Mage - Male (Trooper)
20403 Creature - Mages - Apostate (Trooper)
20404 Creature - Mages - Circle Mage - Female (Trooper)
20405 Creature - Mages - Blood Mage - Female (Trooper)
20500 Creature - Coterie - Alchemist (Devastator)
20501 Creature - Coterie - Member (Assassin)
20502 Creature - Coterie - Thug - Male (Trooper)
20503 Creature - Coterie - Archer - Male (Trooper)
20504 Creature - Coterie - Thug - Female (Trooper)
20505 Creature - Coterie - Archer - Female (Trooper)
20600 Creature - Dalish - Assassin (Assassin)
20601 Creature - Dalish - Warrior - Male (Trooper)
20602 Creature - Dalish - Archer - Male (Trooper)
20603 Creature - Dalish - Warrior - Female (Trooper)
20604 Creature - Dalish - Archer - Female (Trooper)
20800 Creature - Demon - Abomination (Trooper)
20801 Creature - Demon - Pride Demon (Bruiser)
20802 Creature - Demon - Desire Demon (Commander)
20803 Creature - Demon - Rage Demon (Assassin)
20804 Creature - Demon - Shade (Trooper)
20805 Creature - Demon - Pride Demon B (Bruiser)
20806 Creature - Demon - Pride Demon C (Bruiser)
20900 Creature - Golems - Gate Guardian (Boss)
20901 Creature - Golems - Gate Guardian Slave (Trooper)
20902 Creature - Golems - Stone Golem (Boss)
21000 Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Commander (Commander)
21001 Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard - Male (Trooper)
21002 Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard - Male Archer (Trooper)
21003 Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard - Female (Trooper)
21004 Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard Archer - Female (Trooper)
21200 Creature - Profane - Rubble Golem V1 (Trooper)
21201 Creature - Profane - Rubble Golem V2 (Trooper)
21202 Creature - Profane - Rock Wraith (Boss)
21300 Creature - Qunari - Arishock (Boss)
21301 Creature - Qunari - General (Commander)
21302 Creature - Qunari - Thralled Mage (Devastator)
21303 Creature - Qunari - Warrior (Trooper)
21304 Creature - Qunari - Archer (Trooper)
21400 Creature - Raiders - Assassin (Assassin)
21401 Creature - Raiders - Raider - Male (Trooper)
21402 Creature - Raiders - Reaver - Male (Trooper)
21403 Creature - Raiders - Archer - Male (Trooper)
21404 Creature - Raiders - Raider - Female (Trooper)
21405 Creature - Raiders - Reaver - Female (Trooper)
21406 Creature - Raiders - Archer - Female (Trooper)
21500 Creature - Templars - Meredith (Boss)
21501 Creature - Templars - Seeker (Assassin)
21502 Creature - Templars - Templar - Male (Trooper)
21503 Creature - Templars - Templar Captain (Commander)
21504 Creature - Templars - Templar Archer - Male (Trooper)
21505 Creature - Templars - Templar - Female (Trooper)
21506 Creature - Templars - Templar Archer - Female (Trooper)
21600 Creature - Tevinter Slavers - Slaver (Trooper)
21601 Creature - Tevinter Slavers - Slaver Mage (Devastator)
21602 Creature - Tevinter Slavers - Slaver - Female (Trooper)
21700 Creature - Thugs - Street Thug (Trooper)
21701 Creature - Thugs - Street Thug - Female (Trooper)
21800 Creature - Undead - Arcane Horror (Devastator)
21801 Creature - Undead - Revenant (Commander)
21802 Creature - Undead - Corpse (Trooper)
21803 Creature - Undead - Corpse Archer (Trooper)
21804 Creature - Undead - Harvester Head (Boss)
21805 Creature - Undead - Harvester (Boss)
22000 Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary - Male (Trooper)
22001 Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary Archer - Male (Trooper)
22002 Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary - Female (Trooper)
22003 Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary Archer - Female (Trooper)
23000 Creature - Invisible - Human Male
30000 Ambient NPC - Buzzard Gliding
30001 Ambient NPC - Buzzard Perch
40000 Cinematics - Flemeth
50800 Follower - Sebastian Vael


1)修改游戏快捷栏,加上-enabledeveloperconsole2)修改C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings内的KeyBindings.ini
将"OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_GRAVE"改成其他未使用的键位,我选了"~"3)在游戏中按下"~"(键盘"ESC"下方的键位),再输入cheat,再按"enter"执行。(输入时是没console视窗显示是否输入正确的 )cheat 列表:(未完整,有待更新) * runscript addxp X - Adds XP in the amount of X
* runscript zz_money X - Adds copper in the amount of X (1000 = 1 Gold Piece)
* runscript pc_immortal - Infinite health (will not drop below 0)
* runscript zz_addparty NPCname - Add party member by name
* runscript ai off - Turns off AI
* runscript selectparty - Party selection screen
* runscript chargen - Origin screen
* runscript killallhostiles - Kill all enemies
* runscript zz_addapproval X Y - Add approval to a characterCharacter Codes (for use with certain cheats, enter the number below for the desired character) * 1 - Alistair
* 3 - Morrigan
* 5 - Shale
* 6 - Sten
* 7 - Zevran
* 9 - Eiliana

龙腾世纪 审判 控制台让输入-enabledeveloperconso...
